School Vision & Values


A vision helps the school focus its work towards common aims, values and ethos. This gives everybody (pupils, parents, staff and governors) a shared idea and commitment of how we approach life in and out of school and how we are preparing our pupils for later life in modern Britain. We actively promote the fundamental British Values of tolerance and respect for people of all faiths, cultures and lifestyle

Our Vision

‘Nurturing hearts; Inspiring minds’

Let your light shineMatthew 5:16

At All Saints, by nurturing hearts and inspiring minds, we encourage all pupils to shine in everything they do.


 A Value is a principle that guides our thinking and our behaviour.

At All Saints, every individual is valued for who they are and what they contribute to the school. Values are intended to support the personal, social and spiritual development of every pupil throughout the school.

The whole staff team, parents and pupils are involved in promoting values and recognising where others are ‘living the values’. The values developed have been selected after consultation with pupils, staff, governors and parents as values which are important within the school community and which will be important throughout life.

We have 6 school values. These are:






Christian Love


Each year we focus on a different value every half term where we look in detail at the value and give examples of famous people who have demonstrated these values in their lives. We believe that by demonstrating these values our pupils will led fruitful, successful lives.


Aim of Values Education

  • Improve behaviour, conduct and self-confidence by developing strong values within the pupils at the school.
  • Develop pupils understanding of what values are and why they are important in life.
  • Encourage children to ‘live the values’ in all aspects of their lives both in school and out.
  • Promote values to pupils in every aspect of school life.
  • Promote values in the way in which adults interact with each other and with pupils
  • Display our school values and encourage all visitors to take account of them in their time in the school.
  • Enable children to focus upon the positive aspects of themselves that they can value, thereby reminding them of their individual worth, their worth in the school and wider communities and the worth of those communities themselves.
  • To raise standards by promoting a school ethos that is underpinned by core values which support the development of the whole child as a reflective learner within a calm, caring, happy and purposeful atmosphere
  • To link our school values with Christian and British Values