Harvest Celebrations


14th October 2021

One of the many highlights of the year is our Harvest walk.  This is a special walk which saw us this year, returning to our Oak tree across the fields from school to worship God and reflect on our wonderful world.  It is a time to be thankful of the world around us and appreciate how lucky we are and to thank farmers for their whole year effort in providing crops for us to eat.  Children brought in lots of different items that Worship leaders will take to the local food bank to support families who really need our help.  We were also lucky to have our school choirs first performance whilst together as a whole school (and where we weren't confined to bubbles!).  On our return, we also blessed our new Forest school area, where our school council members officially opened the gate and Vicar Richard blessed an oak tree that has been planted from a seed we collected last year!  
A truly fabulous morning, which I am sure will stay with our children, and staff, for many years to come...