All Saints Primary School, Bishops Caundle
SEND Local Offer Document 2023 - 2024
SEND Leader |
Lisa Regan |
Contact Number |
0196323450 |
Contact Email | |
Brief Overview
At All Saints Primary School every child is valued as an individual and cared for by our whole school community in all aspects of school life. The school strives to put in place provision which will allow all children to progress well. We have a successful history of working with children with SEND (Special Educational Needs/Disabilities) to help them realise and achieve their full potential.
1. How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs (SEND)?
The school adopts a highly proactive approach in identifying any difficulties which may impact a child's learning and rate of progress. We continually monitor our children’s progress and attainment to ensure maximum support is given, when required. We are flexible in our approaches, to ensure children receive the best support possible, when they need it. We believe that early identification and intervention are key and parents/carers are informed of any concerns immediately.
If a parent/carer has any concerns about their child, they should make these clear to the child’s class teacher. The class teacher will be able to discuss the child’s progress and performance, offering a valuable insight into the child’s individual needs.
The SEND process can be explained by the class teacher, but in some cases the SENDCo (Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator) and/or Head teacher may become involved.
2. How will staff support my child?
Following an initial assessment, the outcomes will be discussed, and if necessary, extra provision put in place. This may take the form of a tailored programme of learning in either a one to one or small group setting. All interventions will have clearly defined objectives to suit the individual needs of the child.
The SENDCo’s role is advisory; interventions and their efficacy are closely monitored and are modified to meet the changing needs of the child.
Intervention may take place in class or externally and will take place for a set time, before being evaluated for its effectiveness and impact at least termly. If required a specialist may be brought in to provide further support or assessments. This year we have focused on ensuring that interventions are predominately in the afternoons to ensure children are not missing their core learning in the morning. We have sustained pre-teaching and post teaching for all children on a daily basis. The impact of this has been positive.
3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?
As far as possible all children follow the National Curriculum and lessons are adapted to ensure that all children can take part and make progress. Children with SEND may need further adjustments to enable them to fully access the learning. This may include:
- differentiated targets
- specific resources
- additional support from the class teaching assistant/teacher
- changes to the working environment
- Multi-sensory learning styles
- a more individualised approach can be taken when necessary with a child with highly complex needs
4. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
All children’s progress is carefully measured and monitored through the course of the year. The school has a tracking system in place that is monitored closely by the Headteacher and discussed by all teaching staff termly in Pupil Progress Meetings. Children with SEND may be subject to further scrutiny related to personalised targets by both the class teacher and SEND Leader (including half termly tracking document).
Working in conjunction with parents/carers is paramount and we adopt an open-door policy that encourages parents/carers to come in to share any issues that they may have at the earliest opportunity. We will listen to your views and work alongside you to secure positive outcomes.
Furthermore, parental contact is more formalised in the parent and teacher consultations that take place termly. Parents/carers of children with SEND may meet more frequently if required, with the class teacher, SENDCo, head teacher or any specialists, such as Educational Psychologists. During these meetings, child profile targets can be reviewed.
We use knowledge organisers to inform parents/carers of curriculum coverage and expectations of knowledge that will be learnt. Home learning is also set weekly to support additional learning at home. This will be different for each class and individual children’s needs Based on our experience during Covid-19, in the case of another lockdown, children will be given daily live lessons (all morning) and additional learning support activities in the afternoon (using google classroom).
Parents/carers also receive an annual written report in the summer term about their child’s achievements, progress and next steps. This includes their personal and social development.
To ensure maximum progress we request that you support your child at home in agreed ways. These will be discussed with you through general interactions with the class teacher/SENDCo and at the pupil profile meetings.
Parents/carers receive an annual written report by the Governors in the summer term about SEND provision for that academic year.
5. What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?
At All Saints Primary School, we believe that happy, confident children who feel safe and secure, are the optimum learners. As such we strive to create this type of learning environment for our children through PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Cultural Education) lessons and worship.
Regular circle/discussion times tackle relevant issues and reinforce our Christian and school values. We have a comprehensive programme of health and safety for our children, such as e-safety whole school awareness day, e-safety leaders (child led programme within the school), e-safety learning within class, fire safety, Bikeability, Streetwise trip for children, Child Line workshops (safeguarding) and practical road safety learning.
We also use Storm Breaks regularly within each class and this is led and monitored by Sarah Barnes who is our pupil and staff well-being lead.
School administers medicines in line with our administrations of medicines policy.
Pastoral care is crucial and we provide an Emotional Literacy Support Programme (ELSA) for children who may need extra help. We provide two ELSA's across the school and also have time to talk, lego therapy and play therapy within school. We also have an ELSA outside at lunch time (every day) as well as ELSA support at breakfast club (every day). We also run lunch time clubs to support pastoral care such as chance to talk club and positivity club.
We also have our own well-being Governor: Wendy Taylor and well-being staff leader: Sarah Barnes.
School recognises the value of having opportunities to be calm and reflective and this is completed through spirituality, whole school worship, storm break and access to our running track.
6. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
All Saints Primary School is able access a range of specialist services such as Dorset County Psychological Service, CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services), the Children's Therapy Service, the Speech & Language Therapy Service and the Dorset County Occupational Therapist team.
We also work with the Dorset Family Partnership (which enables us to signpost parents to support groups and courses).
7. What training have the staff supporting children with SEND received (or are receiving)?
The school employs a qualified teacher (SEND Leader) for specific learning difficulties who, in conjunction with the class teacher, is able to assess children's needs.
A number of teaching assistants have undertaken additional training to be able to support children, such as:
- The school employs 2 x ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
- The implementation of Speech and Language strategies
- Supporting children with Autism
- 2 x TAs trained to lead and assess Learn 2 Move, Move to Learn
- Whole staff training on Dyslexia and Visual Processing (delivered by SENSS team)
- Whole staff training on ADHD, ADD and sensory needs within the classroom (delivered by Dorset specialist team).
We are proud to be a therapeutic thinking school.
Ongoing professional development is very important and refresher courses are attended by staff where necessary.
8. How will my child be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips We strive to include ALL children in ALL activities.
Thorough risk assessments are carried out prior to external trips and activities. Parental/carer input is welcomed and sought when required.
Breakfast and after school clubs are available to all pupils.
When taking part in competitions or tournaments, whether sporting, musical or art, all children are included, and not segregated due to a SEND.
9. How accessible is the school environment?
The school already has physical access to all areas within the building and the outside play area has slopes. There are disabled toilet facilities. Please refer to the school’s Accessibility Plan on our website.
Acoustic panelling in all classrooms and the hall has improved the auditory environment.
10. How will the setting prepare and support my child in moving to the next stage of education and life?
As a small primary school, transition between year groups and key stages is highly effective, as our whole team knows each individual.
Children take part in a transition day to meet their new teacher during the summer term.
Transition for children starting in reception is through parent workshop evenings, school visits, home visits and pre school visits. This is completed by the class teacher and SEND lead. A booklet is also provided for children over the summer holidays to talk through the transition into primary school.
Transition for Year 6 children to their secondary school is well-established. All children visit their secondary school for at least one day. However, there are additional opportunities that take place such as additional SEN transition visits. The year 6 teacher, SEND lead and a member from the SEND department at the secondary school meet separately to discuss individual children and to ensure smooth transition. This also includes children who are not on the SEN register, however being monitored for specific needs. The Year 6 teacher, SENDCo and/or Headteacher may also recommend that a child go for a pre-visit before the formal transition day if they feel a child with SEND may benefit from it.
Staff members from All Saints also visit other settings and we welcome visits from other schools. Transfer of documentation relating to SEND and any other pertinent information is transferred to ensure that the next teacher and school are well-informed of a child’s specific needs.
11. How are the school's resources allocated and matched to children's special educational needs?
The school has a designated SEND budget which is used at the discretion of the SENDCo and Headteacher to provide quality first teaching and interventions which are tailored by need. Regular meetings are held to monitor impact of extra support. The governing body is kept informed of funding decisions.
12. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
If a child is identified as having SEND, parents will be informed and staff will develop a pupil profile which identifies the area/s of need to be addressed, targets for the child and the support which will be provided along with a timescale.
This is developed, monitored and regularly reviewed.
For children with Education and Health Care Plans, an Annual Review is arranged to discuss the child's progress and provision and whether the plan continues to accurately reflect the child's needs. All annual reviews use the person centred approach. Our SEND leader is trained as a person centred facilitator.
13. How are parents involved in the school? How can I be involved?
All parents are actively encouraged to take part in the school community. We have a very supportive and proactive PTA (ASSA - All Saints School Association).
Parents are invited to celebration worship, special events and also to assist in some after school clubs/enrichment activities.
We also have a group of parents who are volunteer readers; they come into school to listen to and read with children.