Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is the name of a fund given directly to school from the Government to support children who are in receipt of Free School Meals, Looked After Children who are in public care, or children whose parents are members of the armed forces.

The funds given to the school are in addition to the main school budget and its purpose is to ensure the all children make maximum progress and are support to achieve the highest possible results.


The All Saints Pupil Premium Guarantee

All Saints is investing its Pupil Premium funding to make the maximum possible impact in the performance of the children who qualify for this premium. Our guarantee will include:

Intensive tracking and monitor of each pupil

Guaranteed small group working in English & Maths
Assess to our lunchtime school home learning / catch up clubs, supervised by school staff to offer expert help and guidance
Enhanced curriculum intervention for more able students
One free breakfast or afterschool club each half term
£100 per child per year to go towards the cost of uniform, curriculum trips and other activities that may support and develop the child. This fund will be held with the School Finance Officer but can be claimed at any time by parents or carers by contacting the school office. All such requests will be treated in strictest confidence.


How do parents register their child’s entitlement for Pupil Premium / Free School Meals?

Applying for Free School Meals / Pupil Premium is very simple and takes a matter of seconds. You can apply on line  https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/-/pupil-premium or by telephoning Dorset Council on 01305 221000. You will need to provide your name, National Insurance Number and your child’s date of birth. You will be told immediately if you are eligible.


Pupil Premium Stategy

Please see below the school's strategy regarding Pupil Premium funding. The statements aim to explain how the funding is being spent and detail  the outcomes achieved for our pupils.. We update our statements at the beginning of each new year academic year.