World Book Day Thursday 3rd March 2022


3rd March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers, 

At All Saints we promote and celebrate reading every day.  This year is an extra special day as World Book Day is celebrating the 25th anniversary – with the message for all children ‘you are a reader!’ The day in school will be filled with lots of exciting, celebratory ways to promote reading for pleasure and will be celebrated on World Book Day 2022 on Thursday 3rd March 2022

Below are some different activities that the children will be taking part in on the day:  

  • A reading challenge (winners will be celebrated on our Celebration Worship – Friday 4th March 2022).   
  • A reading worship with Mrs Regan. 
  • A special traditional tale performance… Shhhh!   
  • A rotation of fun reading activities. 

Dress up: 

If your child would like to dress up Thursday 3rd March 2022, they are more than welcome to come dressed as their favourite character from a book.  Or simply have a prop with them! Dressing up isn’t for everyone, so your child could bring a favourite book in (if this is preferred). 

Home Challenge: 

Your child will come home with a paper copy of the challenge attached on Friday 18th February 2022.  During week of World Book Week (starting Monday 28th February 2022) your child is set a challenge to read to as many different ‘people’ as possible.  Each time they read with someone/something new, they can record it on their challenge sheet.  This could be sharing a book with their Grandparent on facetime, reading to the pet fish, reading to the flowers, reading to their sister at bedtime… be creative as you like!  Please ensure they return their challenge sheet on Friday 4th March 2022 to be recognised in our celebration worship.  Although we don’t require ‘evidence’, we would welcome an A4 montage of photos to show their shared reading if you would like to share this (but this is not a necessity) – these can be uploaded to Tapestry for Reception children or emailed to the school office for other year groups.   

Also, Monday 28th February is our INSET day, however if your child is available at 11:30am, World Book Day are doing a LIVE-STREAM with Matilda and friends from Cambridge Theatre.  For those Roald Dahl fans out there… I am sure they won’t want to miss it!   

World Book Day is a registered charity and their mission is to give every child and young person a book of their own.  Your child will be receiving a £1 book token to choose their own book – there are a selection of books for all different types of readers.  You can also find details of a special Harry Potter competition at 

Thank you in advance for all your support with this.  World Book Day is always one of my highlights of the year, and as English lead, I cannot emphasise enough the importance of reading daily as the benefits are extensive.  Did you know that reading to a child for 20 minutes a day can increase their lifetime earnings by £280,000? 


Happy reading! 

Mrs Lisa Regan 

We enjoyed going on our very own Bear Hunt!  
We enjoyed reading to others...
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Supertato inspired us to create our own potato characters based on our favourite book characters as well as enjoy some 'Evil Pea' soup!
World Book day was the perfect opportunity to watch a traditional tale like no other... a staff panto especially performed to all our fabulous children!  A huge thanks to the staff team for their positivity and creative roles!  The laughter by the children I am sure could be heard in Sherborne!
Our church community were welcomed into school to 'Open the Book'...
Our World Book day ended with a special celebration - including prizes for children who won their class daily reading quiz.