For All Saints to be the school of choice for all families within our catchment and beyond
To achieve this, the governing body are to support and challenge the headteacher to enhance:
- The personal, nurturing and inclusive nature of the school
- The quality of teaching and learning and thus the progress of all pupils
- Resources to support and enrich learning
- The forest school and outdoor learning areas
- The marketing of the school including links with families of pre-school aged pupils
- Links with the wider local community including catchment churches
- The commitment, effectiveness and well-being of the staff
- The readiness of children for life after primary school
- The pupils’ engagement with school values and Christian ethos
By doing the above, the aim is to maintain the long-term financial well-being of the school by reaching the PAN (17 pupils) in reception each year and for these pupils to remain in All Saints throughout their primary education. This will avoid spikes in year group sizes and thus reduce the stresses on teaching areas and staff which are caused by larger cohorts.
Who are the governors of All Saints Primary School?
- In our school there are a relatively small number of governors who represent different bodies such as the Diocesan Board of Education, The Local Education Authority, the Parents, the teachers and non-teaching staff.
- Some governors have a background in education but they are often in the minority. School Governors are volunteers from different walks of life. It is hoped that they will bring particular experience and expertise which will be of value within the governing body.
- They assume shared as well as particular responsibilities.
- All governors are expected to take up necessary training opportunities provided by Governor Services or the diocese of Salisbury to ensure that they have a good understanding of school governance along with their roles and responsibilities.
What is our role?
- to have a strategic view of the school;
- To bring support and challenge to the school;
- To ensure accountability, i.e. holding the school to account and being accountable.
What do we actually do?
- We currently hold twice-termly governor meetings within which we receive and discuss information related to various aspects of the on-going business and life of the school.
- Governors also have membership of different committees according to their interests and expertise; committee meetings are held once or twice a term to discuss business, welfare and education issues.
- The Chair of Governors has regular meetings with the Head teacher to discuss on-going issues and is generally available to offer additional support when necessary.
- We monitor the school’s finances and maintain a fund which may be used for additional items of expenditure as well as seeking alternative sources of funding where we can.
- We maintain a number of different policies.
- We take an active interest in the school, making individual arrangements for visits during the school day and supporting the staff and children at key school events.
- We ensure that we are informed as to current legislation regarding the management of school and that we have an input to ensure that this is adhered to.
- We monitor the success of teaching and learning through the reported pupils’ results, from direct observation, reference to the curriculum, discussion with teachers and conversations with pupils.
- We maintain links with the PTA (Parents & Teacher Association) and also the PCC (Parochial Church Council).
- We maintain an interest in provision for pupils who are especially gifted and talented as well as those with special educational needs.
- Individual or groups of governors are involved in the appointment of key members of staff.
- Governors may be called on by the Head teacher where there are appeals during the admissions process or if there are formal complaints.