Single Equality Policy

The public sector Equality Duty ( PSED ) requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.

The Equality Duty applies across Great Britain to public bodies listed in Schedule 19 to the Act, and to other organisations when they are carrying out public functions.

The characteristics that are protected in relation to the public sector equality duty are:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex

The equality duty replaced the race, disability and gender equality duties. The race equality duty was designed to shift the onus from individuals to organisations, placing for the first time an obligation on public authorities to positively promote equality, not merely to avoid discrimination.

At All Saints Primary School, we are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, sexual orientation, age or socio-economic background. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and ability to participate fully in school life.

We tackle discrimination through the positive promotion of equality, by challenging bullying and stereotypes and by creating an environment which champions respect for all.

At All Saints Primary School, we believe that diversity is a strength which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit us.