Learning & Support
Pupil Voice
School Council
Play Leaders
Worship Group
E-safety Committee
Animal Action Group
E-Safety Committee Action Plan 2022-23
Autumn Term - how can we support the wider community with E-Safety.
Spring Term - Updating the 360 Degree Safe review tool.
E-Safety Week and School Assembly
E-Safety Week and School Assembly
Summer Term - Create and share an E-Safety cartoon or video.
Ongoing - review class E-safety lessons (half termly) and conduct peer interviews.
E-Safety Champions Action Plan 2020-21
Autumn Term: Design E-Safety Posters/Messages to share at the bottom of the weekly newsletter.
Write letters to local businesses and community services, asking if they would share our E-
Safety posters on their social media, websites and at their venues etc...
Write letters to local businesses and community services, asking if they would share our E-
Safety posters on their social media, websites and at their venues etc...
360 Degree Safe Review Tool - initial assessment
Spring Term: E-Safety Assembly and video for our website (Safer Internet Week).
School E-Safety Song Animation Video... publish.
360 Degree Safe Review Tool - progress review
School E-Safety Song Animation Video... publish.
360 Degree Safe Review Tool - progress review
Summer Term: Use progress tracker from the 360 Degree Safe Review Tool to decide next steps
Explore ways to further engage families with our E-Safety message.
- To ensure all classes have an E-Safety lesson at least once each half term
(Carried forward from the end of Spring Term 2020)
Ways we might engage with the wider community...
*making e safety posters and hanging them around the village.
*speaking to pubs, village halls, swimming pool at Folke, garages, churches etc and asking if we can put posters up in those areas too.
*working on a project with Sherborne Library (on hold for now)
E-Safety Champions Action Plan 2019-20
Autumn Term
- To review our school E-Safety charter and update it in line with the home-school agreement in our reading diaries.
Spring Term
- To promote E-Safety principles by writing a catchy song and teaching it to the school.
Summer Term
- To establish links with the wider community and look at ways we can support others in being E-Safe (parents communications, community café, toddler group, local Nurseries etc…)
- To ensure all classes have an E-Safety lesson at least once each half term.