Bovington Tank Museum

Learning & Support

Bovington Tank Museum


Sapphire class visited Bovington Tank Museum on Friday 14th February as part of our learning on World War II. We are so lucky to have such a first-class museum in our local community and the wonderful learning opportunities that this affords us. 


In the morning the pupils took part in two workshops:


Britain in the Second World War - Dealing with the Blitz and organisations such as the Home Guard, ARP and Women’s Land Army, pupils explored the Museum’s extensive collection of Second World War artefacts. Pupils tried on a range of gas masks, helmets and uniforms and tried out a real (and very loud!) hand-cranked air raid siren.


1940s House/Shop - Pupils roleplayed the lives of a housewife and shop keeper of the 1940s. How did people shop, cook and plan their meals during rationing? We explored the contents of an evacuee’s suitcase and discovered how people washed and cleaned. Plus, we experience a ‘real’ air raid in an Anderson shelter.


After lunch, the pupils had the remainder of the afternoon to explore the museum.