Meeting Minutes

Learning & Support

Bronze Ambassador Meeting minutes 28/09/20


Present: J.P, I.G, T.E, L.C, S.C, E.P, M.C, L,N, L.D, H.M, F.P, S.C, D.S, B.C,E.S


Aim of meeting:

  •         To welcome the new bronze ambassadors
  •         Roles and responsibilities of current and new ambassadors
  •         Start lunchtime challenges

Welcomed and introduced new ambassadors I.G, S.C ,L.C AND T.E. Discussed the continued roles and responsibilities of the previous ambassadors as they were unaware their roles were still viable. They are still expected to do their roles in PE and at lunchtimes. Suggested that Year 6 ambassadors support the new year 5 ambassadors in Sapphire bubble and that J.P support the year 4 ambassadors in Ruby bubble with the lunchtime challenges.

New folders in Ruby and Sapphire classrooms labelled bronze ambassadors- these will have registers, lunchtime challenge ideas, certificates, and any minutes/ plans to look back on. Ambassadors can choose challenges to do that are in there or they can create their own. Also told to make sure they choose pupils for certificates who have taken part and achieved in lunchtime challenges. The folders are there for them to use resources from. Told to let J.P know if they need more certificates/ registers etc.

Lunchtime challenges to begin running as soon as possible in the bubbles. Each bubble box has a stopwatch in, and equipment to enable this to happen. Take it in turns to run them.

Asked to think about possible lunch club ideas to enable us to begin clubs after half term. Ruby ambassadors have already started plans for a handball club and J.P will begin researching and putting together plans for it to begin on 4/11/20.  Sapphires are talking about some sort of ninja obstacle course. Will discuss this in the near future once hand ball club has begun.

Date of next meeting 10/11/2020.



Bronze Ambassador Minutes-10/22/2020

Present: J.P, I.G, T.E, L.C, F.G, E.S, H.M, S.C, D.S, L.N, L.D, M.C, E.H

Absent: B.C, S.C

Aim of meeting:

  •        To deliver new packs containing time sheets and certificates
  •        Discuss new club for sapphires
  •        Check in with lunch time challenges
  •        Any issues/ concerns from ambassadors

J.P explained how time sheets work to Ruby Ambassadors. They are for any time they spend doing leadership roles and packing away/ setting out equipment etc. Certificates also in packs- they have the criteria of what is expected to gain their levels on. The packs will be kept in school in their trays, and can be filled out at the 5 minute whistle. Ruby ambassadors dismissed.

J.P asked year 6 ambassadors to locate their certificates from last year and put in their new packs with new time sheet. Year 6 ambassadors to let J.P know if they cant find them so  new ones can be printed off. Explained the time sheet and certificates to year 5 ambassadors.  Told to keep in school in their trays, and to ensure they are filled out as much as they can each week.

J.P to begin running ‘dodgeball’ club on a Tuesday lunchtime alongside all bronze ambassadors starting from next week. After next week JP to have a rota laminated and put up in Sapphires classroom for helpers each week. Other ambassadors that aren’t on the rota for that week can join in the game. Even the ones helping will have the opportunity to play I the game. JP to explain responsibilities of helpers next week such as showing them where to get equipment from and what we need.

SC raised concerns that the year 5 ambassadors seem to always be doing the challenges. LN suggested that year 6 ambassadors communicate that they would like to run it so year 5s are aware. JP suggested that the year 6 ambassadors help the year 5s to think of new challenges.  Concluded that they will try to organise themselves into pairs/ threes and take turns to do challenges. If this does not work JP can do a lunch time challenge rota.


Next Meeting: 12/01/21