Art Showcase 2023-2024

Learning & Support

To see what our Year 1 pupils have been learning about in Art this term, please click on the link below.
Art doesn't just happen in a lesson... art is explored, enjoyed and showcased everywhere in Diamonds!  
Tuesday 5th September 2023
Today Year 1 children enjoyed making autumn leaf stained glass windows... this is our final outcome which is displayed in class.  
Wednesday 5th September 2023:
Reception enjoyed exploring art in COOL time today... we made chalk paint and explored paint on easels... great learning Diamonds!
Monday 11th September
Reception have drawn their first self portrait of the year!   During the next term we will be looking closely at the features of the our faces, and experimenting with different ways to represent them.
Spring Term Design Technology
Weaving Skills
Summer Art Collage
Beach collage